Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am not even in my 20's yet but last night I was out in a Thai Malaysian cuisine dinner in Lan Kwai Fong with three people.

One was in her 50's.
One was in her late 40's.
One was in her late 30's.

.....and me? I'm only 19 hanging out with an ancient group of people who are obviously out of my age range.

- I know but let me tell you something that you DO NOT already know.

Realization #01 - Although I was hanging out with people who's even older than my dad or mom (oh-em-gee!) I realized one thing, it's not so bad. They may seem like the type you would never imagine yourself hanging around with but I realized we're not that far off. We can still relate to past experiences and this may sound cliche but these people will never grow old, they are always young at heart. (I know you oldies reading this might be all "AMEN" to that statement yea? that is if any of you are actually stalking my blogs *winks*). Let me repeat, no matter what age people are in, they will always be YOUNG AT HEART and I cannot be more convinced than I already am.

Realization #02 - It's either it's really true that they are YOUNG AT HEART or I am just getting OLD! >.<

Realization #03 - I think I would go for Realization #01. =D AHA!

PS: Sorry about the lack of creavity on the picture up there, I don't have photoshop with me right now.